March 7, 2021

AJC: GOP’s vote-restricting push will prove counterproductive

It’s been a few years since I was actively involved in electoral politics, but my impression is that some things…
November 12, 2020

NYT: Republicans Should Be Defending Georgia’s Election Process

There has hardly ever been a tougher time to be the chief election administrator of a state. In most states,…
October 26, 2020

Trey Grayson on the reliability of the American election system

IF THE WORLD’S election experts were to design a stress test for democracy, they couldn’t come up with circumstances better…
September 16, 2020

Philadelphia Inquirer: It’s time to come to terms with ‘Election Week’

This op-ed was originally published in the Philadelphia Inquirer, and was written by Trey Grayson, Co-Chair of the Secure Elections…
June 23, 2020

The Hill: Why expanded voting options is critical for the election this year

The daunting prospect of holding a general election for over 130 million voters during the pandemic across the country is…
June 20, 2020

Tampa Bay Times (FL): Plan for safe and secure Florida elections by doing these things

By: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican, represented South Florida in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1989-2019, and currently co-chairs the…
December 29, 2019

Austin American-Statesman (TX): States should focus attention on ensuring election security

With the holiday season upon us, state lawmakers should be thinking about their families and loved ones—but also about the…
December 6, 2019

Troy Daily News (OH): AVR should be on lawmaker’s agendas

As the holidays approach, state lawmakers should be thinking about their families and loved ones—but also about the impending start…
November 5, 2019

The Roanoke Times (VA): The importance of election security in Virginia

Today, all 100 members of the Virginia House of Delegates and all 40 members of the Virginia State Senate are…
October 25, 2019

Alexandria Times (VA): Election security in Virginia

To the editor: In November, all 100 members of the Virginia House of Delegates and all 40 members of the…