In a new op-ed published in USA Today, Trey Grayson make the case that “registering voters at medical facilities would be a good Rx for democracy.” He and his co-authors write:

Hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities are uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between health care and voter engagement. By integrating nonpartisan voter registration into health care ‒ from waiting rooms to after-visit discharge instructions ‒ we can implement an elegant solution to strengthen democracy, empower patient voices and improve public health outcomes.

This approach is similar to how DMVs assist with voter registration but with potentially greater reach: About 83% of adults visit health care facilities every year.

This creates a novel and simplified approach to keeping voter rolls clean by meeting people where they are, enabling frequent voter information updates, and lessening the burden on Boards of Elections and Secretaries of State offices.

Read the full piece here.